"As Township Assessor I do not assess the value of properties for tax purposes, but I can be your advocate or middle man to help you address assessment issues you feel you may have."
The Assessor's Office is located at 6721 W 40th
Street, Stickney, Illinois, 60402.
The Main Offce hours are from 9:00 AM to
4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Please note that due to COVID concerns all in person meetings are by appointment only.
Ever Wondered How The Property Tax System Works? There's a New Resource to Help Explain It!
In an effort to bring transparency to the complex property tax system, Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas on Wednesday released an easy-to-understand property tax guide that explains the ins and outs of property taxes.
The guide, “How the Illinois Property Tax System Works,” explains in simple terms how property taxes are determined, the offices involved and how collections are enforced. It includes a glossary of key words.
“Property taxes are very complex and involve six different government agencies,” Pappas said. “This guide helps pull back the curtain on the property tax system so taxpayers know exactly how their tax bill is calculated and where the money goes after they pay their bill.”
The guide also details the money-saving tax exemptions that help lower a tax bill. In addition, the tax guide explains the process of filing an appeal to dispute an assessment. Typically, property owners can appeal if they believe their property was assessed at a higher value than comparable properties in their area.
Readers of the guide may be surprised to learn that Illinois has the second-highest median residential property tax bill of all U.S. states. Illinois continues to rely heavily on property taxes to fund local government and has the most units of government of any state. Also, Illinois has some of the highest unfunded pension liabilities in the country, which can result in steep tax increases as counties comply with a state law that mandates pension funds achieve 90% funding in the coming decades.
The property tax primer can be found on the Treasurer’s website, cookcountytreasurer.com or by clicking on this link.
A Message from Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas...
Stickney Township Assessor
Services Offered By The Assessor
The Township Assessor’s office is available to assist you in many areas related to your property tax assessments.
The Assessor will help Township residents better understand the assessment process and take advantage of money saving exemptions provided to all those who qualify.
You will receive help in completing exemption applications, filing property tax appeals, completing name-change requests for the County Treasurer’s office and many more services.
Our office provides the following services and many more to all township residents:
Complete name and/or address changes and property location corrections.
Assist residents in analyzing their Assessed value to ensure their property is not overvalued or undervalued.
If formal appeal is warranted due to inaccuracies, we will complete all forms, and file them with the cook county assessor’s office.
If an appeal is denied by the cook county assessor’s office, we will help prepare and submit documentation for the appeal process through the cook county board of review, and the property tax appeals board.
Complete and file senior homestead exemption applications and senior assessment freeze exemption applications.
Assist new residents in applying for a homeowner exemption.
Assist taxpayers in applying for the disabled persons’ Homeowner exemption and the returning veterans’ exemption.
Provide assessment information, property ownership, sales data, and permanent index number inquiries to residents, realtors, banks, attorneys, and appraisers.
The following links can provide Stickney Township property
owners with real estate property tax information.